Death's door or Life's door? Between the two, I would say we would all choose life. But do we? Faith is the path to The Path. We have the faith to turn on the light of a lamp expecting the electricity we do not see, to produce the light we will see. There is nothing so fantastic than declaring yourself The Door. But that is just what Jesus said. And people do not realize to reject Him, for whatever reason they allow, is to reject the Door to life. And the consequences will be Death to them.
It gives me intense and sickening angst as I write that introduction, for I personally know and love many who have rejected Christ. And I grieve as well over anyone that will not seek to find what God in His mercy enabled me to do. It's a surrender of all to His All. And while it's a one time act, it's a lifetime process of learning and relearning because we are indeed stupid sheep.
"I am the door. By Me, If any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." (John 10:9) Matthew Poole writes in his commentary about this verse the following:
"Our Savior here lets us know, that He meant by "the door", the door of salvation: the way by which every man must enter into life that findeth life... And he, who so believeth in Me, shall be so guided, and governed, and taught, that he shall be secure, and want nothing for the management of his whole conversation in the world. Under the notion of "pasture" here, are signified all good things that the soul can stand in need of."
Secure, having all we need for the management of our whole life here in the world, all good things that we need! What a list! Just that list alone could enable a person to drop the heavy load they carry in this life and to realize our Savior is there to carry it and guide us through the dark and the light. For in reality, we need guidance on our good days as well, so we won't make stupid decisions based on feelings. This is not as easy as it sounds, but the truth of it is staggering and it will change our lives in ways we would not have imagined.
He makes us secure because He is our Security. (He, like the shepherd, owns the sheep and has a vested interest in their welfare!) He gives us all we need to manage our lives while living on this earth. The Bible is our daily book of instruction toward that management. It guides, governs and teaches. And in case anything is not covered, Poole says "and all good things that we need". In that falls the category of "rest" which I touched on in my last post.
So which door do you choose.? "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." You turn on a lamp with great faith that the unseen electricity will produce the desired result. Are we too stubborn in our own intellect to do something as fantastic as trusting in a God we cannot see or a Savior Who died for His own? The provision, the result will be staggering as you will see. You must bow humbly at the cross of a dying Savior to see the power of His resurrected intercession.
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