Al Mohler talked recently about progressivism, a philosophy that says we are getting better throughout history. (Actually, it's way more complex than that. This is my take. And his post on this is worth the read!) They actually say we are more mature in our approach to certain things in society. While Mohler goes through many areas where that is true, he also weighs in on that which is not so mature or healthy.
I weigh in at "yes" we are mature alright. We are more mature in our sin. And because of that maturity ie. growth, the light is all but blocked out. Romans 16:19 says: "...I want you to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil." Evil is pervasive and no longer regarded as evil. Sin seems to reign but it is not on the throne! God is and He has the final Word.
In John 8:34, Jesus describes the gravity if sin and the predicament of humanity under sin. His hearers did not understand the bondage they were in. Sin deprives us of the fulfillment of the purpose of those created in the image of God. Sin clouds our minds, degrades our feelings, and enslaves our wills. (Reformation Bible notes) Did you get that? Apart from Christ, you are a slave! A slave to sin.
True freedom is in serving the God who created us. The only remedy from the destruction in which sin plunges us is rebirth. Jesus told Nicodemus, a very intelligent and prominent man of the Pharisees, "You must be born again."(John 3:3) This perplexed him, as it does all "rational" men. How can you be born when you are old? Do you go back in your mother's womb? He knew better than that but he still did not understand because his understanding of true spiritual things was dark. Being "born again"is a supernatural work done by God! It changes everything about your outlook on all of life and sin. And you become a free from sin. And while it is a process, "if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!" (John 8:31-32; 34-36)
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