How like us as new believers! We lived a life of alienation from God. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, our eyes are opened to gospel and we are adopted into the family of God. It's exciting and scary. We know the change exists in our hearts but what now? How do we rest? When do we feel secure, steadfast and safe in this new life? We are babies. Our understanding is skewed. We begin to learn that trusting God is not done the moment we are saved. Yes, it does occur then as well, but shortly we begin to learn that it will be a process also.
The process will take time. We may rejoice at new learning that escalates our understanding of true trust and rest in Almighty God. But "fifteen minutes" later, we plummet to depths of despair over failure or a trial or unanswered prayer. The process begins again. We study, pray and humble ourselves before our All-sufficient Father. Before we know it, again that rest, trust and peace is amazingly restored and we feel like a new man. Then "fifteen minutes" later...
The perseverance of the saints is an awesome doctrine, like all the doctrines we learn in God's word. And praise God, He will never leave us or forsake us as long as we abide in Him. Let us rest in His promise and unchanging Word. And praise God for all the "fifteen minutes" of peace. One day it'll be forever peace. Family peace at last! Nothing more precious to God than the "sleep" of His children!
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