Saturday, October 29, 2011

Our Father In Heaven

Have you stopped to reflect on the magnitude of those words?  "Our Father in Heaven".  We know
about fathers.  Even if our earthly father failed us, we have an idea of what that should be.  The New Oxford American Dictionary says of fatherly: protective, supportive, encouraging, affectionate, caring,
sympathetic, indulgent.  WOW!  Put those adjectives with omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, eternal and I could stop right here and have wonderful food for thought.  But I’ll continue with “in Heaven”.  Again, using the same dictionary: ecstasy, rapture, contentment, happiness, delight, joy, and paradise.   As Christians, we believe in Heaven as a place as revealed in the Bible, but we really don’t have much experience in regard to that place.  However, we know it’s beyond anything we could imagine, beyond magnificence.

So, what’s my point?  Well, if you are a believer, consider such access.  Here on earth, we have access to the Eternal Creator of all things, Who calls Himself our Father and lives in Heaven.  We should be running to Him moment by moment!  We should not be fretting about the things of life that disturb us!  We take these things to God, our loving Father Who is in Heaven…protective, supportive, caring, indulgent!  He is passionate about you, more than any earthly father, wonderful or not!  Wait on Him.  Trust Him.  Rest in Him.  He has your best interest planned!

I once heard a comedian talk about “life’s amazing and nobody’s happy”.  He spoke on different scenarios and one had to do with cell phones.  First, that we even have cell phones but also the impatience and whining that comes with not getting a signal or loosing the signal once we’re in conversation.  He said, “GIVE IT A MINUTE!  IT’S GOING TO SPACE!”  In reference to our heavenly Father, I would say, “Give Him a minute!  He created space!”  “God’s amazing and Christians aren’t happy”.

A good friend, who leads a prayer group, asked us recently, “We know we have hope in Christ.  What does hope look like?”  There were many good answers.  But it’s a very good question that should keep us thinking.  What does hope look like?  The thought for this post came one day as I prayed, “Father, in Heaven” and then I thought of my friend’s question.  I have a caring Father in Heaven.  Hope should look like “perseverance”.  Not persevering with clinched teeth and gnarled face.  The Christian’s face should reflect that we rest in an omnipotent, caring Father in Heaven.  We should glow with contentment, happiness, delight, and joy.  This must be the expression or our words cannot be believed.

Father, in Heaven, give us a countenance that reflects our total trust in your sovereignty!  Let this countenance precede every word of witness about our Savior Who gives us this access beyond magnificence!

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