Monday, October 24, 2011

Hell is Real or Jesus is a Liar

Why should a Christian have a “heart cry for the lost”?  Because we have a message of “Jesus saves”, as posted in my last blog.  Some may say, “Saved from what?”  From sin and ultimately, an eternity in hell.

Recently, I heard a message from Dale Cutlip on the subject of hell.  He preaches it quite often and said that it is not always well received in many churches.  In fact, many churches do not invite him back after such a message.  The following are some of my notes taken from one of his sermons on hell.

Our goal as a believer is to “love all men and only hate the sin that bought them hell forever.”  What is heaven and what is hell?  Heaven is a place where we will surrender to the whole will of God forever.   Hell is the world of the rebel, who refuse to bow down to the will of God.

Many do not believe in hell.  There are many questions regarding hell: why, when, where, what, who?  And the question that is the subject of our “goal as a believer”: How does one escape?

Why?  Hell was created for Lucifer and his demons.  They had become selfishly independent from God.  From this came the fall and sin nature, which is a spiritual cancer resulting in disobedience, discontentment, etc.
When?  Hell was created after Satan fell.  It might have occurred between Genesis, chapters two and three.  We don’t really know for sure since the Bible is not specific about this.  However, we do know that in the beginning everything was “very good”.
Where?  Ephesians four states that Jesus resurrected, ascended on high, far above all the heavens.  In verse nine, it also says, “He also had descended into the lower parts of the earth.”  Other references use terms such as Sheol, Hades, Underworld (lower parts), Bottomless Pit.  In Numbers sixteen, the people involved in Korah’s rebellion went “down alive into the pit.”
What?  Death, damnation, condemnation, judgment.  Eternal, conscious spiritual pain, torment, flames, gnashing of teeth.
Who?  Wicked.  There are the ignorant wicked and self-righteous wicked.  Pastor Cutlip said that some of the worst failures in this category are the religionist who sway away and cannot or will not follow Christ.
How does one escape?  Trust in Christ alone!  It’s not of works! (Ephesians 2:8)
The Triune God does not want you to go to hell! “’As I live!’ declares the Lord GOD, ‘I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live.  Turn back, turn back from your evil ways!  Why then will you die…’” (Ez. 33:11) 

Either hell is real or Jesus is a liar.  (Matt. 5:22, 10:28 to state a few.)  And Mark 9:47-48, “If your eye causes you to stumble, throw it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast into hell, where ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’”

Let us be moved with compassion to a “heart cry for the lost”!!

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