Saturday, January 1, 2011

"I'll be praying for you."

Does it really mean anything to hear or say those words?  If we believe the God of the universe…if we understand the power behind the Hearer of prayer, well, I should think those words mean everything!  We can do, and think, and read, and speak, but to pray… that makes all the difference in our walk and the walk of others.

There are more verses about prayer than can be shared here.  But consider these two:
“pray without ceasing” and “…so that your prayers will not be hindered”.  The latter one is what set my mind in motion this morning.  The first one from 1 Thessalonians 5:17 is self-explanatory and goes along with the words from a song that will follow. 

The second one from 1 Peter 3:7 is a verse instructing husbands how to be treating their wives. Peter issues a warning from God of the importance of following these instructions “so that your prayers will not be hindered”.  It’s the reasonable act of a Christian to talk to God throughout the day and to expect Him to act.  So honor Him in your very being, inward and outward so as not to have “hindered” prayers.  EVERYONE!  While this verse is addressed to husbands, we can all learn from the same principle.  PRAY!  And keep yourself in line with God’s word.  Pretty simple!

After I read this verse and considered the implications of the act of prayer being the very life and breath of a Christian, the following song came to mind.  While I’m not a lover of gospel music, the lyrics to this song, taught to me over 30 years ago, resonated with these morning thoughts:
How long has it been since you talked with the Lord and told Him your heart’s hidden secrets?  How long since you prayed?  How long since you stayed on your knees till the light shone through?  How long has it been since your mind felt at ease?  How long since your heart knew no burden?  Can you call Him your friend?  How long has it been since you knew that He cared for you?

“I’ll be praying for you!.”  These words mean everything!  Not because we’re anything but because Christ is all and in all.  And He has granted access to the One Who hears and moves in and through us!

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