Monday, January 31, 2011

43,800 Days

Based on 365 days a year and thinking of 120 years, I come up with 43,800 days.  That's alot of days.  And going a bit further, it's 1,051,200 hours.  That's how many days (and hours) Noah worked and witnessed from the time God told him about the coming destruction until it came.

I'm struck by a phrase from 1 Peter 3:20 in regard to that time in history: "the patience of God kept waiting"!!  Only eight people were saved!  EIGHT!  In 43,800 days of Noah's faithfulness to build and preach, prepare and preach, pray and preach, eight people were saved!  "the patience of God kept waiting" and then "God shut the door!" (Genesis 7:16)

Again, since that time, "the patience of God [keeps] waiting".  God is still patient, "not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)  We are to work and witness, prepare and witness, pray and witness all the days of our lives.  "The patience of God kept waiting"!

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