Friday, December 24, 2010

Who Has Believed?

"Silent Night" plays in the background on this Christmas Eve as I write.  I've been reading Isaiah 53 this week.  It wasn't a random choice but where I "happen" to be as I read the book of Isaiah.  But it's such a wonderful choice for this season.  For it is important for us as Christians to remember why Jesus came.  He came to die, to take on the sin of the world and pay the price required by a Holy God.

Isaiah gives a brief picture of man: sinner, sheep astray, turned our own way, transgressors, wicked.  Isaiah also gives a brief but amazing picture of Christ: tender shoot, silent to His accusers, Righteous One, Justifier, Intercessor, not violent, not deceitful.  I would say the contrast here is monumental!
And then the bulk of this chapter paints a picture of what coming into the world of man meant for Jesus.

He had no beauty in appearance or form, no majesty, a root out of parched ground, despised, forsaken, sorrowful, grief, no esteem given, smitten of God, afflicted, pierced, crushed, chastened, scourged, oppressed, slaughtered, judged, cut off from life, guilt offering, anguished soul, iniquities shouldered, poured out to death, numbered with transgressors.  "King of Kings"?  God with us?  "This, this is Christ the Lord"?  Where was His "peace on earth"?  I would say it was in His "good will toward man on whom His favor rests."  Peace for Him was the accomplishment of His purpose!

What this "coming" means for us is what should be the center of our celebrations!  Jesus bore our grief, carried our sorrow, healed us, paid the price for us, justified us, took away our sin, intercedes for us--all this for our well-being.  He IS the Prince of Peace as the beautiful "Messiah" sings in the background now.  For when we believe and bow down to Jesus, we are the recipients of all these wonderful gifts He has provided for us.

Isaiah 53 begins with "Who has believed our message?"  We must live out this message in thought, words and deeds not just at this time of year but every moment until Christ takes us home.  "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!" (Acts 16:31)   Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life and have it to the full."  (John 10:10)   Life, peace, happiness, fulfillment!  That's what we all want.  That's what we all seek.  That's what we all try to accomplish at this time of year we call Christmas.  But just like every other day of the year, these gifts are only had through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!  Peace for us is the accomplishment of His purpose!!  Who has "heard" our message?  Isaiah proclaimed the message!  Let us do likewise!  "JOY! to the world, the LORD has come!"

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