Saturday, August 10, 2024

Trifle Not!

Miller Ferrie compiled a wonderful devotion book of John Newton’s writings, Jewels from John Newton.  On July 16th through July 22nd, the theme of Newton’s writings is “The Guilt and Danger of Such a Nation as This”. (Interesting that the dates ran partly with the RNC) What comfort to know there is truly nothing new under the sun.  It’s just new for us.  And for believers in Jesus Christ, not only new, but increasingly abhorrent!  Apparently, Mr. Newton felt the same.

Using the passage out of Jeremiah 5:29, God asks the prophet: “Shall I not visit for these things?  Shall I not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this?”  Newton writes: “The Lord, the Governor of the earth, has provided, in the history of one nation, a lesson of instruction and warning to every nation under the sun.”  That nation was Israel.  God had blessed them, led them out of slavery, protected them, fed them, though they often sinned against Him.  

Newton’s nation, though different from mine, is like Israel and all other nations through history.  He writes, “We are a highly favoured people, and have long enjoyed privileges which excite the admiration and envy of surrounding nations: and we are a sinful, ungrateful people; so that, when we compare the blessings and mercies we have received form the Lord, with our conduct towards Him, it is to be feared we are no less concerned with the question in my text than Israel of old.”

How about the United States?  Are we indeed one nation under God or is that no longer a passion but a trivial phrase that has no meaning.  Charles Spurgeon writes, “Alas, I know men and women who trifle with their souls, and with heaven and hell, and eternity; they trifle with God Himself!…Half the councils of our senators and the debates of our parliaments are worse than child’s play… Big children are worse triflers than the little ones can ever be.  Despise not the children for trifling when the whole world is given to folly.”

More to come…


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