Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Bible: My Politics

 “Should a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?  Amos 3:6

Newton writes, “The Bible is my system of politics.  There I read, that the Lord reigns; that He doth what He pleaseth in the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; that no wisdom, understanding, counsel, or power, can prevail without His blessing; that as righteousness exalts a nation, so sin is the reproach, and will even totally be the ruin of any people.  From these, and other maxims of a like import, I am learning to be still, and to know that He is God.”

He continues, “In order to estimate the state of the nation, we must attend to two views, which,  when contrasted, illustrate each other, and, in their combination, constitute our national character, and discriminate it not only from that of every nation around us, but from all the kingdoms recorded in the history of past ages. I mean our national privileges, and our national sins.

If God gives up a people to the way of their own hearts, they will, they must, perish.  When a general corruption of morals takes place, when private interests extinguishes all sense of public virtue, when a profligate and venal spirit has infected every rank and order of the state, when presumptuous security and dissipation increase in proportion as danger approaches, when, after repeated disappointments, contempt of God, and vain confidence in imagined resources of their own, grow bolder and stronger, then there is reason to fear that the sentence is already gone forth, and that the execution of it is at hand.”

God be with us and hear our prayers for His glory.  Pray for the enlightenment of a dark nation.

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