Worship is the sincere consideration (looking intently; thinking carefully) and adoration of the One True God. Apart from that, it is worthless worship or another way to say it, no worship, empty worship or just take away the word "worship" altogether. This is not just an opinion but comes from the source where we come to understand God in the first place.
Amos, chapters four through five give us some details in relation to what God thinks about "invented" worship. I won't copy all the passage here, although it would be a good read to understand. But God talks about their sacrifices, offerings, tithes to Him, yet to other gods as well. He talks about their "fat" way of life living on beds of ease while they oppress the poor and crush the needy. Mr. Poole writes the following in regard to their worthless religion fraught with ceremony and devoid of worship: "You think you please Me? You invented it, so it pleaseth you and you will not be reclaimed. Your worship is yours. It is unwarranted will worship and displeasing to God."
Then God gives them several head's up affirmations of His control with warnings that should have affected their course. In Amos 4:6, God says, "I gave you also cleanness of teeth in all your cities..." (famine), yet this starving people repented not of idolatries. "I forbade the cloud and withhold the rain", Poole says, "that you might see My hand, all to convince you and turn you", 'yet, you have not returned'. I have inflicted you with other judgments as well (v. 9), yet you have not returned'. (v 10) "I have overthrown you and house and goods just like Sodom and Gomorrah, yet you have not returned." Five times in this chapter, God blesses these people with His merciful warnings, yet they did not return. Consequence comes in verse twelve: "Prepare to meet Thy God."
"God! Who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and makes the morning dark. God! The most dreadful and terrible enemy and the most desirable friend. Though you bring the most excellent sacrifice and leave your heart to sin, you have no warrant from God." What warnings is He giving us today? An ongoing theme in all these prophets is repeated, "consider, repent, obey." It's that simple. And we will all meet our God, but we will not all live with Him eternally. We must heed the warnings because they are just as numerous as in the past. If we are breathing, we can still receive His mercy through the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ, the Son of His love. "While we were sinners, Christ died for us."
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