It's hard to understand the enormous dichotomy between these two views of death. We find ourselves at this time in history in the middle of a crisis: a pandemic where death is desperately feared and great lengths taken to avoid. Medical teams all over the world put themselves in harm's way to care for the sick and dying, all the while news stories abound of abortion clinics fighting to stay open, fighting for their right to be considered essential. Why are they essential? Consider the answer in this next paragraph from one of three stories.
"There will be an uptick in incomplete abortions and other miscarriage complications as people turn to less effective ways to try to terminate a pregnancy, despite the fact that a safe, easy, non-invasive form of medication abortion exists..."
Essential? Safe, easy, non-invasive? For whom? I'm completely baffled by the disorder represented here! These people are electing to terminate a pregnancy, electing to put an end to a life that is completely viable and desperately in need of protection, yet the terminator needs protecting? I'm not understanding the reasoning here. There is no reason here!
The excerpt from this next story needs no commentary: "We didn't act fast enough to stop COVID-19 from spreading and we could see tens of thousands die because of that inaction. But we can stop this second health crisis from occurring just as long as we act now. Every person deserves the right to decide when and if they want to give birth. We cannot allow a pandemic to strip that away."
And while the next quote is not about abortion but about who should be kept safe during this pandemic, it comes from one who is an abortion supporter. And it speaks volumes to the double standard of of the abortion advocates. "My mother is not expendable and your mother is not expendable and our brothers and sisters are not expendable and we're not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable and we're not going to put a dollar figure on human life." (Mayor Cuomo)
Using terminology from these three recent news stories, consider the tragedy of the dichotomy:
Precious, innocent, helpless little lives have been legally the center of a health crisis for almost fifty years. There is no safety in the specially prepared haven of the womb from the invasion to which they are now subject. Every person, every little one who needs the ultimate of protection deserves the right to be born. We cannot allow convenience to strip that away. We cannot allow the carelessness to continue. These babies are not expendable, these little boys and girls are not expendable, these children are not expendable and we are not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable and we're not going to put a dollar figure on human life! By the help of Almighty God, we will not.
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