Friday, April 19, 2019

Warning! Beware!

Over the years, from my own experiences and the experiences of other Christians, I have heard varied responses to sharing Christ.  One of the big ones, and it is what I used before I was saved, is that the church is full of hypocrites.  After I was saved, my response back was, "yes, where else would they be?"

But my short post today is about another response: "You are judging me."  For any believers familiar with God's Word (and I hope all believers are students of the Word), we know that God is the Judge and the Word delivers His judgment.  Our answer must be: "No!  I am not your judge nor do I judge, as I am also judged by the Word of God.  I am warning you.  I'm your friend.  I care.  Please pay attention."  Christians are not in the business of judging but of warning.  This is loving, not hateful!

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