Thursday, April 11, 2019


In my last post, ambition and the only right ambition was the subject.  Running after the wrong kind of ambition leads to futility.  What is futility?  The inability to achieve a goal or purpose; pointless, useless, fruitless, vanity, ineffective.   How tragic!  Romans 8:20 says, "the whole creation was subjected to futility..."  Why?  No part of creation fulfills God's original purpose.  "The whole creation groans."

In watching a battle scene in a movie, the commander of the loosing side, after a long, hard fight in the rain, yells, "RETREAT"!  What would cause a commander, after all that fighting, to utter those words?  They were not cowards or wimpy men.  No!  They were strong, brave and determined to win even though they knew they were few compared to the enemy.  But their few hundreds against thousands became fewer still.  Futility!

We live in an abnormal world.  Sin and guilt have shattered the normal relationship between Creator and creation.  That's why creation groans.  That's why we groan.  But believers have been given hope, hope that encourages our strength and stamina; that gives us the power not to yell "Retreat"!  Romans goes on to say in verse 21, "it will be delivered from bondage.  It was subjected in hope."

Hope!  That's the freedom from futility.  Not a "hope so" hope, but a sure hope as expressed in the latter part of Romans 8.  Christians are to be a doxology!   "Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!"  Christians live to establish the credibility of the Christian faith.  Verse 37: "In all these things, we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us."

[Note:  There is nothing original with me.  These notes were taken from some past study I've done.  And there are many Godly men whom God has used to teach me.  And ultimately, He gets all the glory anyway.  For apart from Him, we can do nothing.  Forgive any uncredited quote.]

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