Thursday, April 18, 2013

True Security

“Rahab depended for her preservation upon the promise of the spies whom she looked upon as the representatives of the God of Israel.  Jericho’s walls fell flat!!  Rahab’s house was on the wall, yet it stood unmoved!  My nature is built into the wall of humanity and yet when destruction smites the race, I shall be secure.”  These words from Charles Haddon Spurgeon were the start of my day along with refreshment and hope from the Word of God.

Christian, do no think you are too busy for God’s Word on a daily basis.  It must be as important as your food, your clothes, your very breath!  Without it, you will find yourself in the very throes of enemy tainted thinking wrought with despair, fretfulness and depression.  “Your word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path.”  “I will hide Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You." (Psalm 119: 11 & 105)  These verses and a multiplicity of others are there for your need.  Francis Schaeffer, a man now with the Lord, has been an encourager of mine since the beginning of my walk with Christ.  He says, “…though we do not have exhaustive truth, we have from the Bible what I term “true truth”.  God’s Word continues to be for me a treasure house to which I continually find jewels that are used to supply every need I have for right thinking.   It is true!  “TRUE TRUTH!”

Let us run first to that rich Word to supply our day with the needed strength and true security.  Without it our place in the “wall of humanity” will be continually shaken.   Where are you right now in the midst of all the wretched news that bombards us every week?  Let us be instruments of righteous and hope for His name sake.  The world must see a difference in us:  “They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.”  Psalm 112:7  His Word is true.  Let us dig deep continually all the days of our life.

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