Monday, April 8, 2013

The Jesus Banner

Francis Schaeffer, great prophet of God of the twentieth century, speaks lasting truth applicable today as much as his own day.  It never ceases to amaze me as I read his works, to the point I find myself looking over again at the copyright shaking my head.   I share today one such excerpt from Escape From Reason, chapter six subtitled, “Jesus The Undefined Banner”.

“I have come to the point where, when I hear the word “Jesus”—which means so much to me because of the Person of the historic Jesus and His work—I listen carefully because I have with sorrow become more afraid of the word “Jesus” than almost any other word in the modern world.  The word is used as a contentless banner, and our generation is invited to follow it…We have come to this fearsome place where the word “Jesus” has become the enemy of the Person Jesus and the enemy of what Jesus taught.  We must fear this contentless banner of the word “Jesus” not because we do not love Jesus but because we DO love Him.”

Reflect on this, Christian, for as believers by faith in Christ and loving the Word of Truth, we must do battle against spiritual lethargy.  We must, by God’s strength and direction, be vigilant against the sickening, spiritual, feel good stupor we find our church involved today.  However, we must fly a banner and “His banner over us is love”. 

Let me add to this, with sadness and joy, that Edith Schaeffer, wife of Francis, died on Easter Sunday and will have a funeral in Switzerland and memorial service in Minnesota this month.  What a testimony and an impact those two left on Christians all over the world.  Praise God for faithful servants.  Let us work as working for the Lord in all we do.  And let us fly the Banner of Truth and not a “form of godliness” which is a “fearsome place”.

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