Friday, September 28, 2012

"What's In a Name?"

Shakespeare's Romeo asked the question, "What's in a name?"  Juliet apparently was a bit confused by her attraction to Romeo and his pursuit of her.   His name meant "enemy" to her, therefore, they dialog the famous passage we all know.

So, what is in a name?  I have grown up in circles where naming children was merely superficial, ie. you like the sound, you name them.  I'll have to say, that's pretty much the way I named my children.  While I can't speak for everyone, I think there may be many people like that.  But not so, in scripture.  Perhaps most of you have never heard this name that I'll share,  from the past, present and probably never will in the future, but I love the thought process it's benefited me with this week.

I've been reading the book of Joel.  As you know, he is one of the minor prophets in the Old Testament and definitely a pretty common name.  His name means "The Lord is God", but it's Joel's dad that interested me!  "The word of the LORD that came to Joel, the son of Pethuel."  PETHUEL...not really a bad name for sound and the meaning, well, I would pray that all believers should live up to this name!  "Openheartedness toward God"  Apparently, Pethuel lived up to his name and God blessed him with the fruit of a son used in a major way, though we call him "minor".  The book of Joel, son of Pethuel became a part of the inspired word of our Creator to His creation. 

What's in a name, indeed!!  Much in every way.  Let us live up to the name of Christian and never grow tired of that life.  May you be blessed with growing passion and desire to demonstrate to a watching world an "openheartedness to God" in everything you do!!  Oh, Father, may I always be such to You!  It brings to mind the old hymn, "I Surrender All".  This needs to be the Christian's daily cry to God!

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