Friday, September 24, 2010


Prayer is such sweet release!  And the more I learn about God, the more I'm able to pray with confidence.  As Francis Schaeffer says, "He is there and He is not silent!"  Do we believe that?  Then pray and trust His control.   There were many burdens on my mind this morning.  So many needy situations with many details each!  As I began to talk to God, looking at the sky and feeling the warmth of the sun, I thought-WOW! I'm talking to the creator. (I do this often when I pray and it's always such a faith growing reflection.)  "Father, I don't have to tell You the details of each situation or come up with a plan for You to consider.  All I have to do is lift each name to You with the burden with which You've blessed me and You'll take care of it."  As I said this, much of the pressure began to melt away.  And I began to envision each person as a puzzle piece.  We are unique, diverse, different (puzzle piece) yet we need unity, completeness, purpose (finished puzzle).  As I thought about this in regard to each person's life crisis, I saw their puzzle piece as jagged and not able to fit yet into the whole.  Thinking this way, I prayed that God would lovingly and tenderly form their piece to enable it's fit into the whole.  God's Plan (the whole), God's Power,  and my obedience and trust to lift it up to Him.

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