Friday, September 24, 2010

Pain Inexpressible

When thinking of the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Christ, we tend to think flatly, without much thought.
As I reflected on salvation this morning and began to meditate on the person of Christ, from birth to death, I thought about the pain of life that our Lord experienced.  The Bible tells us "He can be touched with the feelings of our infirmities."  I began thinking about the unfairness of His arrest and trial.  But then I moved on to the death, from the carrying of His cross in His weakened condition to the nails being hammered into His limbs.  All these things I have thought about many times, however, today, my concentration centered on His BECOMING sin.  I began to think about sin in all its various degrees.  You may do this for yourself, as I don't want to put in print all the horrors that came to my mind!  And with each thought, each horror, they began to pile up on Christ.  I can't even name all the sins and the ones I did think about began to oppress me.  HE BECAME SIN.  How can that be??  I cannot comprehend that pressure, that oppression, that pain.  As believers, we will never know what He endured to enable our adoption.  Unbelievers, however, will spend an eternity finding out!  Praise be to God!!  He endured this to secure our salvation.  "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved."

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