Friday, June 17, 2011


I had never used this term for father myself.   And the only times, I’ve heard it is on old movies.  It was usually a term used by a young woman, who loves, adores and depends on her father for everything.  She runs to him for advice or when she’s fearful or when she just wants to feel the security of his loving arms.  He is her protector; she admires and highly respects him.  All this thought is purely speculative from the viewpoint of a young woman who read a lot into a relationship in a two-hour movie!

But when I hear the word “poppa or papa”, that’s what comes to my mind.  I began thinking of this a couple of days ago as I stressed over a situation and without thought or ever using the term, I immediately went to God with the problem and addressed Him as “Poppa”.  I had never done that and it was curious to me, but also encouraging as I know it was the Holy Spirit’s prompting and reminding me of what I need to know about my Father.

My own father whom I always called “Daddy” has been gone now for many years.  I miss him and even though I wouldn’t say we had the relationship I described above, at least not in my older years, I know I am the product of this man I loved and he lives on in me as I am so much like him.  And he taught me so many positive traits that though I know he doesn’t hear me, I thank him many times.  

There is One Who does hear me and as I look over a long walk with Him, I see the wonderful traits that He is teaching me.  And He IS Poppa, Abba, Daddy or as I’ve read, the translation for Abba is even more like “Dada”.  That really puts the dependence in perspective.  We are babies, fully dependent on Him.  And I would say that spiritual maturity comes as we become more fully dependent on Him for everything.

Do I love, adore, and depend on God, my Father for everything?  Do I run to Him for advice or when I'm fearful or when I just want to feel the security of His loving arms?  God is our Protector!  Do I admire and highly respect Him?  These are not speculations or viewpoints when talking about the God of the Bible, The Creator, Our Poppa!  This is not just a two-hour movie and it's over.  This is God!  This is truth.  This will be for all eternity...forever and ever Amen!!

"Help, Lord!"

Thinking of kings and the eloquence with which you imagine they speak, I am drawn to Spurgeon’s reminder for this morning.  King David “mourned the fewness of faithful men, and therefore lifted up his heart in supplication:  Help, Lord.”  Psalm 12:1  How's that for "eloquence"?
I’m reminded of King Jehoshaphat in a difficult battle, short prayer to the point,  “We do not know what to do; our eyes are on You!”  And then remembering back a long time ago, a girl in her early twenties, living in sin and realizing her need: “Help, Lord!”  Dependence on God is a blessing with promise.   Kings feeling overwhelmed with enemies or poor young people living broken lives… all are needy and all by grace are brought to the place where: “In Him our help is found! Let us not be slack to cry to Him.”  

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Too Difficult for God?

"To despair is to doubt God."  I put that in quotes as I think it a correct wording of what Marilla says to Matthew when Anne left them to take a teaching position.  They were sad to see her go.  It was Marilla and Matthew's empty nest initiation.   (Anne of Green Gables)

I had not planned to put the quote; it came to me as I pondered what I really wanted to share.  Jeremiah is definitely a picture of a man obeying God but sometimes wondering why his life is conflicted in the midst of obedience.  He has come to a place of great encouragement and expresses it to God: "Ah, Lord GOD!  Behold, You have made the heavens and earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm!  Nothing is too difficult for You..."  He says much more and then God responds, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?"   Jeremiah 32:17; 26

Of course, Jeremiah rehearses this before God but it is only Jeremiah who needed to hear it (and us).  God did not have to "behold" that He had made the heavens and earth by His great power.  And He already knew that nothing is too difficult for Him.  No Jeremiah is "being still and knowing that He is GOD."  He is talking to God about God.  And God responded with, "yes, you are so right!  Don't forget."

I want to do that every moment of my walk.  I do not want to despair not just because it hurts so bad but because it dishonors God for us to doubt Him.  "Nothing is too difficult for God."  NOTHING!

"Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know!"  Jeremiah 33:3

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I looked up the word "languish" which is taken from the verse I'll focus on today.  If you know the definition in a more detailed way, it'll make the verse more medicinal.

languish: person loses or lacks vitality; grow weak or feeble; fail to make progress or be successful; pine with love or grief; display a sentimentally tender or melancholy expression or tone; suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation.

God is telling Jeremiah what to tell His people Israel.  However, He is my God through Jesus Christ and this loving statement reveals more of the personality of my Father.  And it gives me great comfort, and I praise the Holy Spirit for the enlightening as I read the Word.

"For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes."  Jeremiah 31:25