Friday, January 30, 2015

But God!

Even King David, in his extreme difficulty, gets self-centered in prayer.  In his complaint, concern and fear, his request to God is "my", "my", and "me".  "Hear my voice", "preserve my life" and "hide me" are the requests that speak the reality of immediate self-preservation.  At that moment, what good is praising God, if death is imminent? (Verses 1-2, Psalm 64)

But is death imminent?  Is David actually on the verge of death?  Looking at the continuation of each request, we see that his fear lies in the "dread" of his enemy, not yet the reality!  As he says in verse one, it's his "concern" or  "complaint".  How many times do we work ourselves up into a fearful frenzy over dread, worry, or anxiety of the future?  If you say, "never", then more power to you.  But, I'm ashamed to say that most of my anxiety is over that which has not yet occurred.  Dread is an overwhelming emotion that can paralyze.

By definition, dread is to anticipate with great apprehension or fear.  Some other words attributed with dread are: forebodings, terror, horror, alarm, panic, fright, trepidation and many more.  There is dread of death, sickness, bad weather, failed plans, loneliness, no income and the list goes on.  David wanted God to hear his concern over the "dread of the enemy".  He wanted God to hide him from "secret counsel" and "tumult".  He describes his enemy in great detail.  But as David does this, all of a sudden, he shifts gears.

From fear to confidence, David all but wakes up from the drug of dread to the brightness of an all powerful God.  "BUT GOD"!!  (How many times is that phrase used in the holy scriptures?)  God considers the helplessness of his own.  In David's coming and laying his fears before the throne, he becomes aware of the Divine Presence of an in control God!!  It's almost like another Person stepped in to finish the Psalm with the plight of the wicked and the privilege of the righteous.(vv. 7-10) "Gladness, refuge and glory" await those who seek God with an upright heart. (v. 10)  With the brightness of a future with those promises, dread dissipates along with the darkness.

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