Wednesday, December 24, 2014

"Jesus Spoke"

For Christians, Christmas is about THE special coming to earth of Jesus Christ.  It’s a bustling and busy time!  And I would say that many who truly love Christ with the sincere desire of obedience, find it to be the hardest time of the year to stay focused on Him.  As a result of my own efforts to do this through the years since I’ve come to know Him, I still struggle with keeping my mind free of the glitter of distraction and details for a day of celebration.  And I grieve that I look more like a world without Christ in that celebration, than a people who say He is the center of their life.

With those thoughts, I share today’s post.  This year, I purposed to read John 17 in my time of morning devotions for the month of December.  John 17 is a crucial chapter in the Bible.  It’s the longest recorded prayer of God to God.  We know Jesus spent long times of prayer to His Father.  But here we have recorded a prayer that, along with the rest of the inspired Word of God, is there for our encouragement and growth.  Jesus, God in the flesh, speaks to God, the Father on behalf of those who have come to know Him and are still on earth.  We, who still live on earth should take notice of this wonderful passage of God to God conversation.  And as I share one short yet profound part of this passage in my already too wordy post, may the reader consider the importance of listening and taking heart.

As I’m also studying the Psalm, here’s a verse that correlates to the verse I will share from Jesus prayer.  Psalm 55:1  “The Mighty One, God, the LORD, has spoken…”  Is that not something to heed, when there is proclamation of the speaking of God?  I mean even if just believers would think through “these things”, what dramatic changes we might see.  That Psalm goes on to say, “He summons the earth…He summons the heavens above…”  Can man say this?  Why we can’t even exhaust exploring the earth and have continually given up the heavens exploration as a “black hole”.  But with God, there is no black hole.  He speaks, summons and sovereignly controls everything.  Let us listen, quietly.

With that, I come to John 17: 1: “Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said…”   Should we not take notice of what God has to say?  God, the Mighty One, the LORD, Jesus, He who summons the earth and heaven and He who came to earth from heaven and looked up to heaven as He spoke.  Is there not a volcano of excitement that wells up in you as to what “these things” will be that He speaks?  John says in chapter one that the “Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”  As He lived among us, He spoke among us.  God, through His Word has “explained Him.” (John 1: 18) 

“Yea, Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning; Jesus, to Thee be all glory given;
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing; O come, let us adore Him.  O come, let us adore Him.  O come, let us adore Him, Christ the LORD.”  Jesus was born, who knows when.  But we have set aside a day a year to celebrate that birth.  Let us consider, think, listen, heed, adore and worship.  To Him be the glory, all the glory given, That Word of the Father!

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