I've blogged lines of prayer from the great prayers of puritans from a book called Valley of Vision. Once again, I would like to share some lines from these great prayers in hopes that it will benefit someone somewhere as to a new pattern of prayer. That's what these great prayers do for me. It amazes me at how far short and how shallow my prayers are in comparison. And yet, even they, were weak, fallen saints like me. It is a good reminder of the work that still needs to be done in us and our great need of the day is to pray like never before.
"Incline my heart to thy ways; mould me wholly into the image of Jesus, as a potter forms clay; may my lips be a well-tuned harp to sound thy praise; let those around see me living by thy Spirit, trampling the world under foot, unconformed to lying vanities, transformed by a renewed mind, clad in the entire armour of God, shining as a never-dimmed light, showing holiness in all my doings."
"O Master, who didst wash the disciples' feet, be very patient with me, be very condescending to my faults, go on with me till thy great work in me is completed. I desire to conquer self in every respect, to overcome the body with its affections and lusts, to keep under my flesh, to guard my manhood from all grosser sins, to check the refined power of my natural mind, to live entirely to thy glory, to be deaf to unmerited censure and the praise of men. Nothing can hurt my new-born inner man, it cannot be smitten or die; nothing can mar the dominion of thy Spirit within me; it is enough to have thy approbation and that of my conscience. Keep me humble, dependent, supremely joyful, as calm and quiet as a sucking child, yet earnest and active. I wish not so much to do as to be, and I long to be like Jesus."
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