Recently I was helping with a clean-up project. I had volunteered to vacuum, something I'm very capable of doing! So vacuum, I did. I worked hard on this little room, vacuuming every little nook and cranny, window frames, baseboards, and even the closet. It started off a bit hard, as I was using a vacuum I had never used and it was a shop-vac, which was a bit heavy. But I wasn't to be deterred by a little extra effort and I became engrossed in my work. The more I did the easier it became. However, upon completion, I turned toward to vacuum to flip the switch to off and found to my embarrassed dismay that my hose had been disconnected. I wasn't even aware when it happened. Probably when it became "easy", I should have done some checking up on it. I looked around to see if anyone was watching. Thankfully, no one! But I tell on myself today to make a point, a point I immediately realized as I looked at that hose I had carried around the room without any power!
How often do we as believers charge full speed ahead in our own energy to do a work we say is for the Lord? For myself and my almost forty years of living for God, I would have to say, "way too many times". Let us never charge ahead without bowing our heads in adoration to and complete dependence upon God. I meant to write this many weeks ago, but busyness had disabled my posting. However, I was reminded of it this morning when I read the following from "Valley Of Vision": "I have laboured too much for spiritual life, peace of conscience, progressive holiness, in my own strength."
May we commit our work to the Lord, as we also ask Him for the strength and ability to accomplish that work.
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