Friday, August 9, 2013

Guitar Strings

In keeping with my last post (and I'll say oblivious to thinking about it at the time), I was asking God to make me fruitful in whatever way He chose.  As I prayed, I said, "Pluck me as just a string on a guitar unnoticed but used."  Immediately, I was reminded of my post about "bows and arrows" and realized yet another seemingly insignificant item, yet sorely missed when absent.  Continuing in that thought process, I was also reminded of my "evening" read of Charles Spurgeon yesterday:

"All things are possible to him that believeth."  Mark 9:23
"When you read of the high and sweet communion enjoyed by favoured saints, you sigh and murmur in the chamber of your heart, 'Alas! these are not for me.'...You hear of exploits which holy men have done for Jesus; what they have enjoyed of Him; how much they have been like Him; how they have been able to endure great persecutions for His sake; and you say, "Ah! as for me, I am but a worm; I can never attain to this.'  But there is nothing which one saint was, that you may not be.  There is no elevation of grace, no attainment of spirituality, no clearness of assurance, no post of duty, which is not open to you if you have but the power to believe."

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