Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Signs of Peace

Riding through a neighborhood last week, I passed a house with two little boys in the front yard.  Guess what they were doing??  Playing!!  They were playing and laughing, oblivious to the world around them.  It made me smile and gave great joy to my heart to watch them.  It reminded me of how seldom I see that sight.  I've thought about this often over the years.  When my children were young, mothers were scared to let children out of their sight.  However, when I was young fifty plus years ago, I played all over my neighborhood.  My mother whistled for us kids to come home to lunch.  Then we went out again and when supper rolled around, mom whistled again.  And if it was summer, we went back out after supper and played until ten o'clock.  Times are, indeed, changing.

So what's my point?  God, too, knows the joy we receive from the sound of children playing.  Zechariah reports good news from God to His people.  They had been oppressed by other nations, war, loss and hopelessness.  But through Zechariah, He lets His people know that peace will again return.  And what is one of the sweet characteristics of peace?  "And the streets of the city will be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets."  (Zechariah 8:5)  What a wonderfully personal God we serve.  It makes my heart soar to read all the details He desires for those He loves and protects.  Let us rest in His sovereign protection as we hope for the better day to come.

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