I hear of women who have been abused, left or not sought at all by men who have
ceased to be men. I’ve blogged
this before perhaps, or something similar. But it ever becomes a source of distress as daily I lift
names to God of just such situations.
list of names includes women who covenanted with the man they loved and
trusted. These men, however, chose
to fall to their weakness, a weakness they look at as manliness. I’ve said before, the true strength of
manliness lie in what he is strong enough to avoid by way of enticements. They leave those wives of their youth
for one reason or other. And these
wives now have hearts broken by the very ones who should have been their
other list of women, and it’s an ever-growing list, are women who are finding
themselves unsought as a helpmate.
These women are beautiful inside and out. What keeps a man in desperate need of a helpmate (God said
it, not me) from pursuing these women?
I’m afraid we’ve raised a generation of
wimps and worthless worms. Some of
them are pursuing each other, not submitting to their Godly design. Some are pursuing Internet
gratification which gives temporary pleasure without the demands of
responsibility. And some are just
plain scared to be a man in charge.
you guys!! “Quit ye like men and
be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13: means to "behave like a man" "act like a man") The God of creation designed and created you the crowning
glory of creation. He gave you
everything you need to be the man you need to be. Be strong!! Be
courageous!! Love God! Seek a wife! Be the protector of her heart and life just as God has
been to you! Live a life pleasing
Him all your days! Where are you,
Guys? You are not complete!
would add that if you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, this is the
first place to start for a pleasing life.
We are ALL worthless worms apart from Christ. That is our problem before a perfect God. Yet, Christ, while we were sinners died
for that sin and completed the work required to bring us to God. Seek Christ first! Then seek a wife. Unless of course, God has called you in
another direction. He will
lead. You are to follow.)
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