How does one combat thinking wrong? Think right! How does one know what is right? Go to a source that you know is true and seek to know that
truth. What is truth? Jesus had just told Pilate that He was
born and came into the world to testify to the truth. He said, “Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me.” Thus Pilate’s famous question that
still lingers in the pseudo intellectual mind today, “What is truth?”
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by
Me.” Yesterday our guest pastor
preached his evangelist message, “Why I Believe in God in an Age of
Skepticism”. He said that people,
in regard to a belief system must do three things: Know – Believe – Trust. He was addressing his sermon to the skeptic, both agnostic
and atheist. However, as I prayed
this morning over a mentally tormenting issue in my head, I began to apply this
principle. As I ended my prayer,
the issue became less intense and the “truth set me free” from wrong
thinking. Thus, thinking right won
over wrong thinking. Because
of Christ, I have access to God during these times. I must run as though my life depended on my communication
with Him. And it does!
Right thinking for a believer is that we are saved by grace
from our sin that separated us from the Creator, God. We are here to honor and glorify Him. Let’s not lose that perspective. Trials will come; God’s Word stands
true and powerful through them all.
We must persevere and as we combat our own sinful thinking, we gain strength
through that victory to teach other saints and bless unbelievers with the good
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