Friday, April 6, 2012

"Rise and Pray"

The disciples, one after another, blundered through the whole process of the arrest, conviction, death and burial of Jesus.  Maybe we look at them and shake our heads, but some of us are not really that different.  And I believe it's because we "do not have because we do not ask God." (James 4:2)  We blunder through many trials in life without asking God for the strength and power to honor Him in those trials.

John MacArthur says in the footnote from Luke 22:46 that "rise and pray" was a "tender appeal to the disciples, who in their weakness were disobeying Him at a critical moment.  He may have been summoning them to a standing posture, to help overcome their drowsiness."  We must do whatever it takes to pray.  That must be our first priority.  Because it's is not by our own strength that we can ever accomplish anything for the glory of God.  And that is what the Christian life is all about.

"Why are you sleeping?  Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation."  Luke 22:46 ESV

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