Consider this powerful statement from 1 Corinthians 5:7b: “For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.” Right in the middle of Paul reprimanding the Corinthians for their lack of discipline of believers involved in sin, here is this beautiful reminder. Christ, God in the flesh, was sacrificed as our Passover Lamb! This is not a thought that should be “passed over”. This is the Hub of the wheel of Christianity! Jesus is our Blood on the doorpost! Eternal death will pass over us because of Him and Him ALONE!
For the Israelites, the blood of the lamb without blemish was put on their doorpost. God warned them of the coming death of all firstborn children in Egypt. He made provision that would enable this certain death to “pass over” that family’s firstborn. If they trusted God and obeyed, they were spared the grief. Those who did not know God or did not listen, grieved this loss of life.
God, in Christ, has made this provision for all eternity. This fact and reason for all Christianity should be our daily meditation. And this wonderful meditation is our motive for every spiritual move we make. David Brainerd, a missionary to the American Indian, wrote the following in his diary: “I never got away from Jesus, and Him crucified, and I found that when my people were gripped by this great evangelical doctrine of Christ and Him crucified, I had no need to give them instructions about morality. I found that one followed as the sure and inevitable fruit of the other… I find my Indians begin to put on the garments of holiness and their common life begins to be sanctified even in small matters when the are possessed by the doctrine of Christ and Him crucified.”
“For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed.” It’s done, we’re covered; eternal death will pass over us! This is cause for rejoicing! Be “gripped and possessed by this doctrine of Christ and Him crucified”!
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