As I read the end of Ezekiel 18 (a very good read by the way), I am struck once again by the compassion of the Creator: "'For why will you die, O house of Israel? [or every unbeliever who reads this] For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies,' declares the Lord GOD. 'Therefore repent and live!'"
What is repent? John MacArthur says in his study Bible from book of Matthew: "Repent is no mere academic change of mind, nor mere regret or remorse. ... is a radical turning from sin that inevitably became manifest in the fruit of righteousness."
John MacArthur further discusses the need for salvation in his book, Saved Without a Doubt. (The following are several excerpts taken from different sections of this book.) "God is the enemy of the sinner, and that enmity cannot end unless and until the sinner places his or her trust in Jesus Christ." "God is never on the side of unbelievers. He is their enemy and His wrath against them can be placated only by their trusting in the atoning work of His Son, Jesus Christ. On the cross, Christ took upon Himself all the fury of God's wrath that sinful humanity deserves." "Apart from salvation through Jesus Christ, every human being is spiritually at war with God--regardless of what his or her feelings about God may be. Through trust in Jesus Christ, a sinner's war with God is ENDED for all eternity." Those three statements make very clear God's position, man's problem and God's provision. And I would say very hopeful provision. If you are reading this and are an unbeliever, you have hope.
But John goes on to boldly and lovingly give a stern warning to those who persist in unbelief:
"Persistent rejection of Christ will result in such persons passing the point of no return spiritually, of losing forever the opportunity of salvation. That is what always happens to the individual who is indecisive. He eventually follows his evil heart of unbelief and turns his back forever on the living God."
"There comes a time when the lights go out, when further opportunity for salvation is forever lost. One who rejects the full light can have no more light--no more forgiveness. May that strike terror into the hearts of all who now reject Christ..." And as I considered this blog post this morning, I read the following "randomly": "the axe is laid to the root"(Matthew 3:10) John explains this verse: "irreversible judgement was imminent". When that root is cut, the tree will die!
This post is not to depress but to encourage believers as to the work ahead and the seriousness of that work. Bathe your day in prayer! And it is to encourage unbelievers that there is time to turn, to repent! "For why will you die, O [unbeliever]? For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies, declares the Lord GOD. Therefore, repent and live!!"
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