Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Ravage the Ruins"

Ezekiel, chapter 13 is a clear-cut warning to false prophets.  We've never been without them.  They are nothing new.  And they are saying nothing new.  In fact, God says they are saying "nothing".  So why do people listen to them?  Because like the false prophets, they are deceived.  And while God took action on those prophets discussed in Ezekiel, those today have the need to heed this insightful warning!

 God says in verse 2: they "prophesy from their own inspiration, 'Listen to the word of the LORD!'"  About this God says, "WOE!"  He calls them "foolish" and He says they are "following their own spirit and have seen 'nothing'".  Then God tells Israel that "the prophets are like foxes among the ruins." (v. 4)  A fox is described as devious, sly, scheming, shrewd, deceitful, duplicitous, mischievous and destructive.  None of those characteristics describe anyone I would like to be following for my spiritual growth.

 If the fox refer to the prophets, then the "ruins" would be the follower.   Not a good description of the man who claims to be spiritual!   And verse 4 says "foxes among ruins".  So the fox here is ravaging something that is already ruined.  NOT GOOD!  You look at the masses of people today following false prophets and apply this description, well it's like Jesus said about the Pharisees: "white-washed tombs full of dead men's bones".

As believers, we must pray for the eyes of the deceivers and deceived to be opened while they still have the breath of life.  But let us not embrace as brothers those deceivers who "prophesy from their own inspiration".  May God bless them with "the truth that will set them free".   Then He will clean up their ruins and build on the Foundation of Jesus Christ.  To God be the glory for His cleansing Word!

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