Friday, June 17, 2011


I had never used this term for father myself.   And the only times, I’ve heard it is on old movies.  It was usually a term used by a young woman, who loves, adores and depends on her father for everything.  She runs to him for advice or when she’s fearful or when she just wants to feel the security of his loving arms.  He is her protector; she admires and highly respects him.  All this thought is purely speculative from the viewpoint of a young woman who read a lot into a relationship in a two-hour movie!

But when I hear the word “poppa or papa”, that’s what comes to my mind.  I began thinking of this a couple of days ago as I stressed over a situation and without thought or ever using the term, I immediately went to God with the problem and addressed Him as “Poppa”.  I had never done that and it was curious to me, but also encouraging as I know it was the Holy Spirit’s prompting and reminding me of what I need to know about my Father.

My own father whom I always called “Daddy” has been gone now for many years.  I miss him and even though I wouldn’t say we had the relationship I described above, at least not in my older years, I know I am the product of this man I loved and he lives on in me as I am so much like him.  And he taught me so many positive traits that though I know he doesn’t hear me, I thank him many times.  

There is One Who does hear me and as I look over a long walk with Him, I see the wonderful traits that He is teaching me.  And He IS Poppa, Abba, Daddy or as I’ve read, the translation for Abba is even more like “Dada”.  That really puts the dependence in perspective.  We are babies, fully dependent on Him.  And I would say that spiritual maturity comes as we become more fully dependent on Him for everything.

Do I love, adore, and depend on God, my Father for everything?  Do I run to Him for advice or when I'm fearful or when I just want to feel the security of His loving arms?  God is our Protector!  Do I admire and highly respect Him?  These are not speculations or viewpoints when talking about the God of the Bible, The Creator, Our Poppa!  This is not just a two-hour movie and it's over.  This is God!  This is truth.  This will be for all eternity...forever and ever Amen!!

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