Our pastor gave us an assignment this week: Be consecrated and ask God what you need to see in order to bring this about. I was excited to see how God was going to answer my prayer. This is my fifth day and to give a play by play would take up too much space. But as I walked and reflected on the process this morning, here’s what I came up with:
God is in control. I am not. I can come up with all my wonderful spiritual plans and programs of what needs to be done. But God has been teaching me now for several years, that my plans are like a balloon with no air unless I first go to Him completely dependent on His leadership. I MUST relax my efforts to His control. For a list-making, go by the book, black and white woman, this is a lesson that He seems to have to continue to teach me. I’m just slow in getting it. That’s one of the answers He’s been reminding me of this week. Pray! Always pray! Pray without ceasing is what the Bible tells us. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Ask Him! He’ll show you. (It’s also a lesson about patience.)
One of my thoughts was that in the bed I think of myself as a deflated balloon. I must not even attempt to get up without first thanking Jesus for salvation and asking for His power to do everything according to His will. He fills me up. Two verses came to mind, both from Ephesians. Phrases from those two verses are: “filled to the measure with all the fullness of God.” 3:19 “…a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.” 4:13
We must not think that we have to be present and active for every problem in our lives. We must, however, be praying and available for those problems. He will be our power and guide as to how He will be glorified in every area. We must be surrendered to His way of implementing action and results. He doesn’t need our suggestions or our working. He needs us to be dependent and ready.
Consecration! Latin: consecrat-dedicated, devoted as sacred; verb: consecrare: con (expressing intense force) secrare (dedicate) sacer-sacred. What I get from that definition: to express my life with intense force as dedicated to God. And I with the songwriter, Frances R. Havergal, want to do this completely surrendered in everyway as her words express from the song, “Take My Life and Let it Be”:
“Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee” and as the song goes on to express as a list the things surrendered: life, moments, hands feet, voice, lips, silver, gold, intellect, will, heart, love, myself… “ever, only all for Thee.”