Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blood Pressure

Many people take medication to regulate their blood pressure.   It’s mandatory that they are faithful in taking the pills in order to live normal, healthy lives.  The Christian has to deal with a blood pressure of a different kind:  the Blood of Christ applied to his life and the pressure to live that life with a consistency that reflects the beauty of that Work.  For the Christian to live a normal, healthy life, he also must be faithful to do what’s needed to regulate this “Blood Pressure”.  This must be done through the reading of the Word, regularly!  The person on blood pressure medication must take his pills daily or it could mean severe health problems or even death.   The Christian must be just as vigilant.
Francis Schaeffer says in, He is There and He Is Not Silent, “We should read the Bible for various reasons.  It should be read for facts, and it should be read devotionally.  But reading the Bible every day of one’s life does something else—it gives one a different mentality.”  That’s what we have to have:  “a different mentality”.  We were bought with a price: the Precious Blood of Christ… the Blood of God!!  (1 Peter 1:19)  How much pressure does the Blood have on us?  How better to reflect that pressure than with a different mentality, a different reaction to life's pressures, different entertainment, different desires.  This is what we are to show a watching world.  Only then will we begin to see change brought about through our example, consistent example through a different mentality given us through a faithful study of the Word.

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