“Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.” These famous words from Marmion by Walter Scott, came to my mind today as I mentally reviewed my sins of the week before I came to God in prayer. While I do desire to honor God with my life, I find too often tucked away in the inner recesses of my mind, wretched thoughts that afflict me. It grieves my heart to know there is still sin on the loose with which I still must search and destroy. But even greater grief should I suffer if I think too highly of my own spirituality.
Yes, we must deal daily with these internal sins or we will grow accustomed to their presence and become comfortable with them. I find, on reflection, that there is an intricate network of sin still lingering: manipulative thoughts (you know, how we get people to do things without coming right out and asking), two-facedness (we say one thing in response to comments made by a friend while thinking something entirely different), gossip (the kind where we sit and listen to things said about acquaintances without taking up for them or rebuking the negative talk), unbridled talk (that which we say to get a laugh or to promote our own wisdom when it casts slur on another).
This is deception of the worst kind. And it calls for us to lay prostrate at the throne of the Most High God to rehearse the truth about our day, present to Him in grief and repentance and thank Him for His mercy and forgiveness to us. And with His granted mercy and forgiveness, to have mercy on others for whom we pray. We should never become so high-minded as to think we have any goodness that came from the inside. No indeed!! What we have in the way of goodness came to us through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. And it is Him and Him alone who will keep us where we should be.
For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13) Remember that!! It’s as simple as it gets! God and God Alone has the power to use us or we are useless!! We are nothing apart from His power. And our works are worthless unless they are worked in by Him. In the verse 12 of the same passage, it says: “…work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Only God can work it in. It’s there if you are a believer; you can only work out what He has worked in!!
God will free us from the deception of sin. We must be on guard to its presence or we will become tangled and of no use. Forgive us Father for our deceit and free us, that we will serve you with purity and power! Amen and Amen!! (And FYI listen to the song, “God and God Alone”, written by Steve Green)