The Christian walk becomes dark, drear, and desolate at times. It is during these periods that one feels as though they are playing Christianity on the wrong side of a dark wall between belief and unbelief. They may cry, “God!! Where are You? Have I believed for nothing? Why are You so quiet? Why do you not lead me through or over this dark wall? I cannot see! Pluck me from the darkness of despair! Deliver me before I am destroyed by my Enemy or myself!! With the Psalmist I cry, ‘Is Your mercy clean gone forever?’”
What do we do with such times as this? Will we let our feelings dictate the reality of God? The answer lies in God’s Word: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.” YOU SHALL BE SAVED! Maybe at times you won’t “feel” saved but that is of no consequence and you must not, MUST NOT trust your fickle feelings.
GREAT POEM, memorized years ago, written by Martin Luther:
For feelings come and feelings go but feelings are deceiving! My warrant is the Word of God, naught else is worth believing.
Though all my soul shall feel condemned for want of some sweet token; I know One greater than my soul Whose word cannot be broken!
I’ll trust in God’s unchanging word, til soul and body sever! The words of man will pass away; God’s word abides forever.
Not just idle words; they are (my) life…Deuteronomy 32:47